Jude and Jax went sliding with their cousins Ellie and Corbin at Ridgeview golf course the other day. Wow were those hills big. Everyone was worn out. Great to get outside and play.
We spent a beautiful and warm Saturday at Giants Ridge. Jude skied with his cousins, Papa and me. This was his second time skiing and he is getting the hang of it. We took him once last year and he really liked it and it was the same this year. We will definatelly go a couple more times this year as we have plenty of winter left. Can't wait to ski more!!!
Every year we celebrate Serbian Christmas, Burke's Birthday and Festivus. Serbian Christmas and Burke's birthday are on the same day, January 7th, and Festivus (for the rest of us) which is when we air our grievences. This year was specatular like always. We laughed a ton, ate fantastic food and danced. No formal grievences were aired.
Burke had a couple of birthdays this year. The first one was in Virginia with Ali's family. Mia made delicious suprise cupcakes and Brent made a really good chicken dinner. They are good cooks in that house! Next he had a dinasour birthday in Duluth. WHat 42 year old wouldn't have a dinasour birthday party? The final birthday was Friday night at our friend Milan's house. Burke spent too much time at the party with his old friend Captian Morgan and paid for it on Saturday. It is not easy getting old!
We all gathered at Jodie's and had pizza and spent Amanda and Cal's last night in MN together. The kids play so well together. It is always fun. We will meiss them!!!
Jude and Jax really like our friends Dan and Ann, Burke and I like them too. Especially when they come over and play with the boys...they just love it. Jude wanted Dan to put him to bed and sleep over.