Sunday, November 11, 2012

Nana Mural's

Here is Nana and some of the many murals she painted with Spencer. They turned out beautifully!!! We are so proud of their accomplishment!

Madonna COncert

Dana, ALicia and I went to the Madonna concert, WOW what a show!!!!

JAx party # 3

Jax had his third party at home, first at Pelican with his cousins, then his school the at home. WHat a lucky boy!!!

Happy Birthday Jax

Jax celebrrated his Birthday at school with a special story, his classmates singing happy birthday and mom bringing cupcakes and hanging out at school with him! Super fun school birthday party!

All Saints Day

As one would expect, Jude was Saint Jude for All Saints Day at school. He had to welcome the students at mass and tour Father Peters house. What an exciting day.

Happy Halloween

Jax and Jude had another successful candy gathering Halloween. We went to Lisel's house and neighborhood first and then to our friend's house for a party and more candy...always MORE CANDY!

White Trash Halloween Party

Funny but so not right!

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

I love my friends


Check out our pumpkins!

another race

Ann, Burke and I ran in the Wheels Off half Marathon last Saturday...we got to run through the tunels on the highway. Great day for a run! Running through the tunnels was not as much fun as I had anticipated. Oh well.

Rock Climbing

Jude and Jax were recently invited to a party at Vertical Endevors, way cool.

Hasrvest Festival!

First day of Preschool

Jax had his second year and first day of preschool. He has a new teacher this year and he asked Burke and I if he had a new teacher this year because he was so smart? We just smiled and said, Yep!

First Grade

First Day of First Grade, very exciting day!

OOOHHH, scary faces

Jude and Jax love getting their faces painted so this was our latest creation. We look up face painting on line and then I attempt to recreate the faces we see. Sometimes it looks ok, other times not so good. Still fun!

Bye Emma

Jude and Jax were and still are sad that Emma went back to school. We were very lucky to have Emma watch the boys this summer. The still tell me that I am not as much fun as Emma, to that I say...DUH!

Jude meet the Teracher

Jude has Ms Altonen for a first grade teacher. He was very excited to go to school, bring his supplies, and put his stuff in his very own desk! Jax liked playing with the things in Jude's classroom.

Fun summer stuff